Here is Sim City 2000 for the windows version
IMACHEAT $500,000 ,all rewards PRISCILLA Debug menu. ,GILMARTIN Military base, NOAH Starts a flood
Tomb Raiders
While in a level do the following with Lara: Walk one step forward (using the walk key), take one step backward, turn around 3 full times (doesn't matter which direction), and then do a Forward jump.
iddqd - god Mode idbeholdv - get temporary gode mode idclev - warps to that level idclip - clipping mode on idbeholds - get berserker pack idchoppers - get the chainsaw idbeholdi - get temporary invisibility idkfa - ammo, keys & weapons
DNKROZ - god mode DNSTUFF - all weapons,ammo,and energy DNITEMS - max armour and all keys DNHYPER - makes you fast DNSCOTTY - warps you to any level (DNSCOTTY205 will take you to episode 2 level 5. DNCLIP - walk trough walls (WARNING MAY CAUSE MACHINE TO LOCK UP) DNAMMO - all ammo DNWEAPONS - all weapons DNUNLOCK - unlocks a door when you are infront of it DNMONSTERS - removes all monsters DNSKILL# - changes the skill level to # DNVIEW - changes the view
Decent 2
LPNLIZARD - gives you homing weapons WHAMMAZOOM - level Warp ERICAANNE - bouncing Weapons ALIFALAFEL - gives you all accessories HELPVISHNU - makes more Guidebots EATANGELOS - homing weapons JOSHUAAKIRA - full map ZINGERMANS - god modes FREESPACE - level warp SPANIARD - kills all robots ROCKGRL - full automap CURRYGOAT - all keys